For those of you who frequent
the sports television radio stations in hopes of witnessing highlights relative
to your teams-of-interest, there is no doubt you were exposed to all of the
analysis and comments surrounding the most recent round of MLB playoffs – the
ones where Alex Rodriguez (AROD) seemingly individually competed against some
other team of no apparent significance.
Now, I am by no means a
Yankees fan, however, I feel as though I have recently become the expert on
AROD’s playoff capabilities as a result of the exhaustive commentary regarding
how poorly he performed. Accordingly to literally all of the analysts –
especially you, Stephen A. Smith - AROD is incapable of even crawling out of
bed correctly when the playoffs roll around. Since I haven’t followed AROD with
any legitimate consistency since his days of glory when he was paired with
Griffey Jr., I can’t say whether or not I agree with all of the analysts who
think his contract is sunk and he should be traded for any ol’ bench player off
the street. As I know analysts have a tendency to sensationalize player
performance on popular teams (see: 2010 when Michael Vick was touted as the
best QB of all time), I’ve decided to put the quantitative gears to work to see
if AROD really does suffer from “playoff collapse syndrome”.

“But, wait!”, you AROD fans
say. “Just because he doesn’t perform well in the playoffs doesn’t mean he’s
not valuable to the team.” This is correct, my friends. Although many of the
analysts and commentators have asserted AROD’s salary is egregious given his
inability to perform in the playoffs, it
is possible that his salary is actually justified by the fact that he
continually contributes to his team’s regular season success and subsequent
birth in the playoffs. After all, most teams make the playoffs very
infrequently, and just making the playoffs is considered a success by most fans
(believe me, I’m a White Sox fan just happy to get into October in any year).
In order for me to test if
AROD contributes to his team’s success throughout the year such that they make
the playoffs because of his existence, I ran another model – this time a
logistic regression. The model measures a metric called “Wins Against Replacement”
(WAR) against a playoff birth or not. This will determine if AROD’s
contributions over a standard minor league replacement resulted in playoff
births at a statistically significant level. Indeed, it did not. In fact, there
is almost no relationship between ARODs WAR and his team making the playoffs in
that year. Given that, one can conclude AROD hasn’t added value such that a
minor league replacement (ostensibly making about $22million a year less than
AROD) wouldn’t have lessened the chances of his team making the playoffs.
In total, here we’ve learned
that AROD does, indeed, perform worse in the playoffs than he does during the
regular season – which was proved statistically. We also learned that his
contributions to the team above an average minor league replacement weren’t
significant such that the team’s playoff contention would have been altered in
his absence. But still, teams continue to pay the man obscene salaries for his
presence in the line-up. Why is this? Most likely because he helps to fill the
seats and couches of spectators, and ultimately, that’s what it’s all about.